Access to Information

The Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority (PMRA) is committed to ensuring full compliance with the ATIA in its pursuit of good governance through promotion of transparency and accountability in the discharge of the Authority’s regulatory mandate. To this end, the Authority has put in place necessary internal mechanisms to facilitate proactive disclosure of information and handling of requests for information as required by the ATIA. 

PMRA has been undergoing functional review process to come up with a new structure and staff establishment for effective implementation of its mandate. The report of the functional review has just been approved by the Board and Government and an implementation committee has been established by Government to place staff in relevant positions; it is expected that PMRA will recruit a substantive Information Officer (IO) in the course of implementing the functional review. Meanwhile, the Authority has designated the Public Relations Officer, Mr. Joseph Josiah as its Information Officer. Below are Mr. Josiah’s contacts:

Phone: +265 899 567 365


Every person has a right to access information from the PMRA. All requests for information made pursuant to the ATIA should be through the Information Officer. The Authority has put in place effective internal review mechanisms to facilitate seamless access of information by our information seekers.

  • Access to Information Act (ATIA): The Access to Information Act provides the right of access to information in the custody of public bodies and relevant private bodies, the processes and procedures related to obtaining that information; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
  • Access to Information Guide: This User Guide on Access to Information Act contains guidelines to help the public in using and understanding the ATIA, provide more details on the law and procedures that people seeking information must follow. The guidelines contain a summary of rights, obligations, procedures, offences and penalties on access to information.
  • PMRA ATI Manual: PMRA has developed Access to Information Manual, in compliance with the ATIA, to provide a catalogue of information in the custody of PMRA.
  • PMRA Information Pack: The PMRA Information Pack has been developed to assist citizens to access information from the PMRA. The Pack provides step-by-step guide on how information seekers can access information that is in the custody of the Authority.

All correspondence should be through:

The Director General

Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority

Off Paul Kagame Road, Area 5

P. O. Box 30241

Lilongwe 3.

Phone: +265 (212) 750 108 | 755 165

